Use "emplacement|emplacements" in a sentence

1. The map of the Breastworks and cannon emplacements

2. Greathearted melons expressless Acalycal glowworms by-lane emplacement esquisse-esquisse

3. During the next 28 hours, she blasted numerous enemy gun emplacements, blockhouses, and caves.

4. Two distinct nappe emplacement vectors are identified in the Argolis Peninsula.

5. Miniaturized acoustic hearing aid module for emplacement completely within an ear canal

6. the emplacement of radioactive waste above or under the ground without the intention of retrieval

7. During and after nappe emplacement and imbrication (D1), large scale tight to isoclinal recumbent folds formed (D2).

8. 14 They point out the age of ophiolite suite by paleontological method and the emplacement age of ophiolitic melange.

9. Accretionary and cored lapilli in the tuffs and pillows in the lavas suggest emplacement in a shallow marine environment.

10. It also confirms geologic and aeromagnetic evidence that the complex has not been tectonically tilted since emplacement.

11. Volcanic structures and textures imply emplacement in a low-energy shallow (<2 km depth) submarine environment.

12. The terrain was such that you couldn't sneak up to the machine gun emplacement without being seen.

13. Her guns destroyed gun emplacements, barges, suicide boats, and entombed about 100 enemy troops by sealing the entrance to Malinta Tunnel.

14. Easily deployed (72 hours emplacement or displacement), the Aerostats provide high-altitude continuous coverage for surveillance and communications to be quickly established and …

15. After reportedly destroying three gun emplacements and a number of machine gun nests, closing two tunnels, hitting trenches and mortar positions, Toledo retired for the night at 1525.

16. There are multiple types of sites: portals, "Brochureware," content sites, directories, search engines, and ecommerce sites, to name a few.Il y a les types multiples d'emplacements : portails, "Brochureware," emplacements contents, annuaires, moteurs de recherche, et emplacements d'ecommerce, pour appeler quelques uns.Many of the sites back then were garish yet boring, confusing, and not

17. Most granitic Batholiths contain plutons which are composed of low-variance mineral assemblages amenable to quantification of the P – conditions that characterise emplacement

18. The quartz diorite dike contains iron-rich almandine phenocrysts that appear to be magmatic, suggesting emplacement at great depth near the base of the crust or upper mantle.

19. Studies of mafic enclaves and adjoining host rocks indicate that mafic and acidic magmas interacted extensively during the emplacement and crystallization of the granodioritic mass.

20. Aureole These intermediate Aureole fabrics are divergent from relict bedding but likely to have composite origins related to tectonic stresses and emplacement of the pluton. From the …

21. A Casemate, sometimes rendered casement, is a fortified gun emplacement or armored structure from which guns are fired.1 Originally, the term referred to a vaulted chamber in a fortress

22. Work to build defences around the 6-mile (10 km) perimeter of Mafeking started on 19 September 1899; the town would eventually be equipped with an extensive network of trenches and gun emplacements.

23. By the end of the day, she had added to her score seven pillboxes, eight gun emplacements and ten stone houses, in which enemy machine guns and snipers had been placed.

24. A positive correlation between increasing apparent ages and distance from the vein contact in less altered samples strongly support the view that the epigenetic alterations assemblages record actual vein emplacement ages.

25. The M92 "Arblast" Improved Multipurpose Attack Weapon (IMAW) is a lightweight, multifunctional, single man or crew-served, 3½" (88.9 mm) calibre, shoulder-launched, reusable weapon system used against infantry, vehicles, structures, emplacements and fortifications

26. Bathylith in English A batholith (from Greek bathos , depth + lithos , rock) is a large emplacement of igneous intrusive (also called plutonic) rock that forms from cooled magma deep in the Earth's crust.

27. After Biotite 40Arrad/39ArK ages of 333 ± 2 and Pb/Pbrad zircon ages around 335 Ma of other workers emplacement and cooling of the Thüringer Hauptgranit were completed in …

28. Vein emplacement did not result in extensive outgassing of argon from Mid-Proterozoic potassic minerals, as long as alteration of the psammopelitic host rock was restricted to the immediate contact of the vein.

29. Our dating of micas from within the deposit suggests that the greisenization process that accompanied mineralization took place about 295 ± 5 Ma ago, that is, ca. 60 Ma after the emplacement of the batholith.

30. Identification of Late Cretaceous oceanic basalts within an accretionary complex in the eastern Argolis Peninsula extends the history of the Neotethys beyond Late Jurassic ophiolite emplacement, previously believed to be the result of continental collision.

31. The presence of alkalies in ultrabasic melts before or during their emplacement may result in alkali metasomatism of the adjoining country rocks, because most of these alkalies are being incorporated at still lower temperatures in a gas phase leaving the intrusion.

32. It's not unusual to hear a native Baltimorean say of the lake, “That's where I caught my first fish!” The Boat Lake was created during Civil War grading operations in 1864, when extensive earth-moving work was performed to remove military emplacements and fill ravines.

33. 1 History 2 Details of the fort 3 Gatehouse 4 Counterscarp battery 5 East and south ditches 6 Seaward face and gun emplacements 7 Present condition 8 Image gallery 9 See also 10 External links The fort was built between 1876 and 1888 by the British

34. Bellyacher Metagonimus yokogawai (species of intestinal fluke) persiko integrity adherent of technocracy, advocate of technocracy, one who supports a government based on technological knowledge, engineer or economist as bureaucrat oil hose barbotare; împroşcare neutral or neutrality (in chemistry), neuter gender (in grammar) emplacement taezu

35. The isotopic compositions, ophiolite tectonostratigraphy, and correlation of the 40Ar/39Ar cooling (plagiogranite) and deformation (amphibolite) ages suggest emplacement of the Neyriz ophiolite either into an accretionary prism, through offscraping and subduction erosion, and (or) formation in a supra-subduction zone environment, around 82–96 Ma.

36. Texturally guided U–Pb spot analyses on partially metasomatised zircons from the alkali granite gneiss yield a cluster of 207Pb/206Pb ages at 1389 ± 8 Ma, interpreted as the time of igneous crystallization and four ages overlapping the time of syenite emplacement, interpreted as in situ, metasomatic growth.

37. ‘The upper intercept defined by the six Collinear points is 610.4 + 0.9 / - 0.7 Ma and is considered to be the best estimate of the timing of emplacement of the intrusion.’ ‘During a second phase, the ‘line-finding’ phase, sets of Collinear points aligned at that angle are identified.’

38. With their aircraft stripped of armament — to save weight and to keep them from straying into combats — and loaded with enough extra fuel to extend their flying range to four or five hours, pilots took photos of everything from airfields to minefields, from gun emplacements to basic topographical data for overprinted maps.

39. This page shows answers to the clue Batholite.Batholite may be defined as “A large mass of intrusive igneous rock believed to have solidified deep within the earth” and “A large emplacement of igneous intrusive (also called plutonic) rock that forms from cooled magma deep in the earth's crust

40. The French and Netherlands Governments and the Commission submit that the fourth question should be answered in the affirmative: any delivery of waste to a mine is by definition a disposal operation under head D12 of Annex IIA, Permanent storage (e.g. emplacement of containers in a mine, etc.); the Netherlands Government and the Commission add that it may also be classified under D1 (Deposit into or onto land (e.g. landfill, etc.)) or D3 (Deep injection (e.g. injection of pumpable discards into wells, salt domes or naturally occurring repositories, etc.)).